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Model Driven Architecture and Ontology Development
Dragan Gasevic
Dragan Djuric
Vladan Devedzic
5.80 Mb
Semantic Web and education
Vladan Devedzic
19.88 Mb
Semantic Web and Education
Vladan Devedzic
19.92 Mb
Model Driven Architecture and Ontology Development
Dragan Gasevic
Dragan Djuric
Vladan Devedzic
Bran V. Selic
5.61 Mb
Artificial Intelligence Applications And Innovations
Max Bramer
Vladan Devedzic
17.42 Mb
Model driven engineering and ontology development
Dragan Gasevic
Dragan Djuric
Vladan Devedzic
Bran V. Selic
Jean Bézivin
15.15 Mb
Mobile Phone Programming and its Application to Wireless Networking
Dragan Gasevic
Dragan Djuric
Vladan Devedzic
Bran V. Selic
Jean Bézivin
47.88 Mb
Semantic Web and Beyond. Ontology Management. Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications
Vladan Devedzic
3.76 Mb
Privacy Preserving Data Mining
Vladan Devedzic
58.48 Mb
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology)
Max Bramer
Vladan Devedzic
11.98 Mb
Artificial intelligence applications and innovations : IFIP 18th World Computer Congress : TC12 First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI-), 22-27 August - , Toulouse, France
Max Bramer
Vladan Devedzic
20.98 Mb